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Custom type

The User name is typed with a string. This means that it can be empty. Let's introduce the Name type to make sure it's never empty:

final readonly class Name
    private function __construct(
        private string $value,
    ) {}

    public static function of(string $value): self
        return match ($value) {
            '' => throw new \LogicException('The name cannot be empty'),
            default => new self($value),

    public function toString(): string
        return $this->value;

We can now refactor the User like this:

use Formal\ORM\Id;

final readonly class User
     * @param Id<self> $id
    private function __construct(
        private Id $id,
        private Name $name,
    ) {}

    public static function new(Name $name): self
        return new self(Id::new(self::class), $name);

    public function name(): Name
        return $this->name;

    public function rename(Name $name): self
        return new self($this->id, $name);

And just like that the User can't have an empty name.

But for Formal to properly store this Name we need to tell it how to convert the object to a primitive value and vice-versa.

use Formal\ORM\Definition\Type;

 * @psalm-immutable
 * @implements Type<Name>
final class NameType implements Type
    public function normalize(mixed $value): null|string|int|float|bool
        return $value->toString();

    public function denormalize(null|string|int|float|bool $value): mixed
        if (!\is_string($value)) {
            throw new \LogicException("'$value' is not a string");

        return Name::of($value);

@implements Type<Name> allows Psalm to know that the $value argument of normalize is always a Name (despite it's mixed type), and the return type of denormalize must also be a Name.

And lastly tell the ORM about this type converter:

use Formal\ORM\{

$orm = Manager::of(
    /* any adapter (1) */,
            Support::class(Name::class, new NameType),
  1. See the Adapters chapter to see all the adapters you can use.

With this you can also use the ?Name type on a property.

Formal handles the null case for you!