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Create first specification

Let's create a specification to target users by their name:

use Innmind\Specification\{

final class SearchByName
    public static function of(Name $name): Property
        return Property::of(
            'name', //(1)
            $name, //(2)

    public static function startingWith(Name $name): Property
        return Property::of(
  1. This is the name of the property on the User class.
  2. The value type must be the same as the one declared on the Aggregate/Entity property.

With this class you can create the rule:

all users whose name is alice or bob or starts with a j except john

like this:


Targetting entities

If you want to target users by city you'd have this specification:

use Innmind\Specification\{

final class SearchByCity
    public static function of(string $city): Property
        return Property::of('city', Sign::equality, $city);

Depending of the kind of entity you'd use this like this:

use Formal\ORM\Specification\Entity;

Entity::of('address', SearchByCity::of('Paris'));

address is the name of the property on User

use Formal\ORM\Specification\Just;

Just::of('address', SearchByCity::of('Paris'));

address is the name of the property on User

If the aggregate doesn't have an address specified then it won't be matched.

If you only need to know if an entity exist you can use Has:

use Formal\ORM\Specification\Has;


You MUST NOT negate a Just or a Has specification as it may not produce the results you'd expect. However you can negate the specification inside the Just.

This is due to a behaviour inconsistency in Elasticsearch.

use Formal\ORM\Specification\Child;

Child::of('addresses', SearchByCity::of('Paris'));

addresses is the name of the property on User

An aggregate will be matched as long as one address exist with this city.


When using Sign::in the value of the specification must be either an array, a Set or a Sequence containing only values of the same type of the property. There MUST be at least one value.